Monday, April 21, 2008

busy, yet leisurely, weekend

This weekend, we socialized all night Friday, went to a crawfish boil on Saturday, socialized again on Saturday night, then went to another crawfish boil on Sunday! We ended the weekend with a nice walk around the neighborhood right before the sunset -- it was very relaxing, despite the amount of things going on. :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

great weekend!

TJ and I visited my family in North Carolina this weekend. They live in a beautiful suburb outside of Raleigh-Durham. We visited the Farmer's Market, went to a few restaurants, saw downtown, and BBQ-d. The weekend was much too short, but we really enjoyed spending time with everyone!

We also have things for sale:
2006 Scion (lease takeover)
2004 Corolla (after May 5)
Workout Bench with Accessories

Call/email for details!

Friday, April 11, 2008

New York

It has been confirmed:

TJ and I (along with our two cats) are moving to Manhattan, NY in June.

TJ will be working jointly with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and Emeril's Homebase.

I will be going to nursing school for my RN while working somewhere close to home or school.

My parents and little sister will be living in Manhattan as well.

We are excited, nervous, stressed, a little sad -- but overall ecstatic!
